A computer monitor with an ambivalent expression.
TheWebCon logo.

Living in the future, obsessed with the past.

Howdy, it's nice to meet you! I'm Web. I've always been a creative type, and thanks to the internet, I can now share that creative side with you.

  • Composer and arranger of all sorts of wacky music

  • Makes videos about theme parks and my slow yet steady descent into insanity (The Dark Ride Zone)

  • Crafts images, designs, & logos that hopefully look good

  • Might be building some theme parks in Minecraft, too

Check out more information about me or my projects below.

Need to contact me? Join the WebCentral Discord server (recommended). Messaging over Reddit also works too. I also have a Bluesky and a Twitter, although I'm far less active on those.

Music note on a blue & purple gradient background.

Below is just a sample of the music I've made. I focus on remixes and arrangements of my favorite tunes as well as the occasional original song. Have a listen!

My music is available on the following platforms below.

Film clapper board on a blue & purple gradient background.

You've stumbled upon my work that takes the most time and arguably sees the least in return. But hey, making videos is fun, regardless of any benefit I may receive! Here's some of that kind of stuff.

THEWEBCON (Main & Music)
My main channel where I post my music, showcasing new songs and remixes with custom edited visualizers.

Join us and wander into The Dark Ride Zone. TDRZ is an episodic theme park-focused variety show that dives into the history of theme parks, rides, and everything in-between... and may be hiding a few secrets here and there.

A collective of other content that does not fit on the other channels; stuff like skits, meme videos, and whatever else I decide to throw up there.

White question mark on a blue & purple gradient background.

TheWebCon | Web | obviouslywebI've always been a creative type, and now, thanks to the innovations of the Next Generation, you can witness my strange creations in digital form!I like all types of different things, but here's a crash course of the stuff you can expect from me.[ Music ]
I like to write music, think about writing music, study and analyze music, go bowling and perform music (if that wasn't obvious).
[ Videos ]
Video production is fun and it makes my brain happy, so I tend to do on occasion. I'm planning on branching out and adding new content, but for now my videos are primarily focused on my music projects, OR are about:
[ Theme Parks ]
My second greatest passion lies in the theme park world. I love to learn more about them, experience new rides and attractions, and delve into the histories of old parks and rides. I particularly love Disney and Universal's resorts, as I have a lot of fond memories there. I'm also the creator of an internet webseries entitled The Dark Ride Zone, which goes over the history and stories of theme parks, their rides, and everything in-between.
[ Graphic Design ]
Oh yeah, I also like making cool images, logos, backgrounds, fonts, designs, layouts... basically anything to do with art that isn't actually drawing.
[ Games ]
I enjoy playing a wide variety of games from as many platforms as I can. My favorite game of all time was and still is Minecraft (Java), as it provides me an outlet for me to express my love of voxel sandboxes, programming, and theme park creation. I'm also a huge fan of Splatoon, A Hat In Time, Celeste, OneShot, Planet Coaster, Portal, Spelunky, The Last of Us, etc... Check out my Steam profile if you want the full rundown there.
[ Internet Activity ]
I tend to keep to myself in terms of internet presence, as I don't want to announce things before they're ready or let my opinions get in the way of my passion and work. That's likely why my Bluesky is generally so quiet.
In terms of when new songs or videos are released, I have no schedule of any kind. My mantra is "new projects will come out when they're ready." I don't ever want to rush a project to meet a deadline. That being said, if I know something is ready, I might tease it in advance for a bit (particularly for TDRZ).
[ Make something for me? Please?! ]
I only make art and music for projects I am directly related in, so at the moment I don't currently offer any sort of individual or purchasable commissions. That being said, however, I'm always open to working with others if you need music or art for something. If you have a larger project and want to get in touch, Discord is always the preferred method. Check out the home page for more information.
[ Until Next Time... ]
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and getting to know me. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so using the contact information at the bottom of the home page.

Wide paintbrush on a blue & purple gradient background.

Graphic design is my passion, and I mean that in an entirely unironic sense... sometimes. I mostly make word art, logo designs, and promotional material (mostly for my videos and music). While it may seem simple, I'm pretty proud of it!